Choosing Joy Online

#fridayJOYtroductions!!!!! Sweet friend, I’m so glad you’re here! This account is dedicated to helping you #choosejoyeveryday, online and off, for your mind, body & soul. To encourage, educate and empower you - starting with small, simple steps and ideas. I’ll share more of my own journey (there’s not enough on here already? ;) but today I want to introduce you to a new way of #spreadingjoy through these #fridayintroductions 😍

How to do a #fridayJOYtroduction:

1) Pick something that’s brought you joy this week – a choice you made, a prayer that helped you, a recipe you loved, an inspiring book or quote you read.

2) Think of a time you were struggling, and what helped you #choosejoy through it

3) Think of an inspiring mama mentor you love to follow

4) Introduce one of them to another mama. Through a private DM, public story shout out, personal text, or real conversation. That’s your #fridayJOYtroduction!

Here’s mine. Sharing my favorite books on the two amazing women’s feast day’s we celebrated this week. How studying their stories and struggles through these books brought me joy & inspiration through times I’ve doubted myself. Witnessing the example of Our Lady & Mother Teresa #choosejoy despite them has touched my soul and truly changed my life!

*Don’t be overwhelmed by the stack:

“One God knows the good that can come about by reading just one good Catholic book.” Saint John Bosco 
Start with just one.

The attacks on us modern women are no joke. Satan will do anything to keep us from clinging to Mary or spreading joy to others. He wants us to compare, doubt and divide.

It’s ok when we fail. We know we will. That’s not the point. It’s the choice to pick back up after the fall and ask our Mama Mary to “be a mother to me now.”

Our good God will forgive us, pour out His grace, and give us the choice. With Him we CAN #choosejoyeveryday#joyoverjealousy and #spreadjoyonline.

We’ll change the world – one choosing-joy-mama passing it along to the next! Creating the unity and connection we’re made for 😊

I believe in us. I believe in YOU.

Now go #spreadsomejoy & share your #fridayJOYtroduction! 😍🙌🏻

In Joy,


Follow on Instagram @alexandriaderose :) 

Alex DeRose