Pro-Life Booklist

In light of NFP awareness week & our recent AAFCP conference, the sanctity of every human life is on my heart! Here are some of my favorite pro-life books that I highly recommend! Hopefully you can pick one up this summer!

Pro-Life Books:

  1. Unplanned - The book based on the recent movie about the true story of Abby Johnson; a former Planned Parenthood manager turned pro-life advocate. Definitely read the book & see the movie!

  2. The Walls are Talking - Former abortion clinic workers tell their stories. Wow, just wow. The title says it all. A must read.

  3. The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor who Changed his Mind - Powerful story about the conversion of an abortionist who helped found NARAL to pro-life! Please read this & pass along to any medical professionals you know!

  4. Real Choices: Listening to Women, Looking for Alternatives to Abortion - This book was so eye-opening! There is nothing like hearing experiences from those women who have suffered from abortions & the real choices surrounding that decision.

  5. Subverted – How I helped the sexual revolution hijack the women’s movement - MUST READ FOR ALL WOMEN! This book changed my entire impression of the sexual revolution & true feminism. Another amazing conversion story from a woman who worked for years at Cosmopolitan & was on the inside of the pro-abortion movement.

  6. Life Issues, Medical Choices - A must have for any Catholic medical professional. Provides well articulated and researched answers to hard questions.

  7. Sexual Wisdom - Written by a physician, filled with knowledge, statistics and evidence surrounding sexual integrity.

  8. Physicians Healed - Although published over 20 years ago, I found these stories from previous pro-abortion doctors very powerful.

  9. Blessed are the Barren: The Social Policy of Planned Parenthood - Must read!!! As pro-lifers, we need to educate ourself about the true history of the greatest pro-abortion giants. This will open your eyes like nothing else.

  10. Rising with Roses: A Story of Renewal and Lessons Learned - Conversion story of my local dear friend and amazing pro-life OB/GYN, Dr. Ruberu, who shares her heart & personal journey to practicing pro-life medicine!

There are so many other great ones I have yet to read! I also recommend following our dear friend Lila Rose and her organization Live Action with amazing resources. We need to continue to educate ourselves & to pray for the protection of every human life!!!

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion.” - Saint Teresa of Calcutta

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” - Ronald Regan

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.” - Psalm 139:13

In Joy,
