Day in the Life

December 1, 2021

I love firsts. Firsts of the month, of anything, its like a marker in my mind of something. The first of the month, feels like a new beginning every time. What is this new beginning today? This month? I ask when I have a minute to pause. Today does feel like a new beginning, and if I’m honest, every day feels new. It’s as if God keeps revealing Himself to me more and more. It’s in the moments of overwhelm I tend to forget Him, or I get so lost in myself, I don’t regain my peace…who do I need to turn to??? The KING of PEACE Himself! Who am I longing for? WHAT am I longing for? HIM. Like Saint Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” I can keep chasing material things, praise of others, a physical body - anything, but they will all be empty. The only thing that will fulfill me is Jesus. That is the message I want to share with women. Now the question is, how do I share that in the stage of life I’m in - being as honest as I can, practical, and without running away from the vocation that I’m living.

Today was a fairy “normal” day. Full, busy, chaotic at times, but normal. I’m officially a homemaker. I’ve been a homemaker for years, but now I’m owning the title. It’s SO refreshing to own that title. I’m in a season where I’m not looking to work as a nurse, but I LOVE finding ways to “use” that experience and education at home. One of the ways this past years has been on my Instagram blog, that’s been an interesting year for sure, (& why my lack of blogging here too, so more of those details to come!)

Anyway, my 4 boys slept through the night, (thank you Jesus), and I woke up to the sound of the 6am train. I slept with my bra on because I was so tired the night before, so I woke up with a full (almost clogged) duct! I still can’t believe I’m breastfeeding Andrew, at a year of age! That is another blessing, and a reminder of the miracle my body can do. I woke him up to nurse him and got ready for the gym. I said my prayers on the way there and Nick stayed home with the boys so I could go. I said my prayers in the car, watching the sunrise mostly on the drive there. I ran 2 miles and did some of my mat work. After my shower and ride home, I rallied the 4 boys to the dentist check up for Andrew. We did our seatbelt check in the car which is new this month and I’m loving it. We prayed the Saint Andrew novena on the ride there! (Oh, how I love car schooling!) My boys were so cute heading into the dentist. I had the worry for a moment that they weren’t the best dressed, but I really haven't put that much focus on my kids fashion these past years. And you know what that is an easy fix! It’s a reminder that when you are annoyed at something, pay attention to it…notice it. If I’m desiring them to be better dressed for example - pray about why. Ask God what He is trying to tell me about that. It may just be for me to pay attention to them more, to clean their little faces and care about laying out clothes…or who knows, but pay attention! The dentist made the remark of “wow 4 boys, they were all so well behaved!” and for those 10 minutes they did sit in the chairs well.

My homeschool wasn’t the most organized but the best moments were sitting on the couch with my almost 6 year old Dominic as he learned to read! He read that story so well, and for those moments I had to calm my heart and really focus on him. Sometimes I’m tempted to want to be “doing more” but when I see his little smile…and remember what will learning to read lead to? It leads to him growing up as a young man who will read the Word of God and becoming the man he’s called to be, what better moments?? My little Nicholas is the sweetest and when he said, “oh mom, I have to read that St. Joseph book!” and little things like that, I wish I remembered those moments.

My little Andrew. I’m now focusing on feeding him more solids, the other day I thought he was left handed! But I think not now…anyway, he is pleasant. I still can’t believe he is a toddler. My little boy, he is so cute with his little haircut. I had a babysitter come for a few hours this afternoon and it hit me when Andrew started really crying! He wanted me to stay! He went for his naps after I nursed him still, and stood up by his little kitchen. I have to work on his walking more, but I now trust I will…God is so good.

My little Tony. We think he’s choleric with his little strong will - and I know God will bless that for his glory, I just have to pay more attention to honing it for the good. He is so cute when he comes over to me and says, “I’m sorry mom.” Today for about 10 minutes we did the “where is thumpkin” song. He was so cute and said, “I’ll sing it with you Mom.” He also loves playing with Dominic, they found sticks outside and played with them. Then after dinner they cleaned the table with sponges, it was so cute. Tony also remembered directions when we were driving!!! He said, “Mom, that’s the wrong way!”

For one moment I got distracted on Instagram when I saw something about the news, but I realized now how important my motherhood is. When I desire to be “doing more,” I remember these boys. How can I be doing more? Being a mother, being the best mother I can be, is the most pro-life thing I can do. It’s reflecting our Lord in pouring into my kids. I’m in a stage of loving motherhood. I keep trying new things to see what works and what doesn’t. I’m excited to see what God does with my desires….And I just have to keep trusting. I know now that God uses everything. He leaves nothing out. All we have to do is keep desiring him. Telling Him our desires.

There’s also an interesting thing about Instagram, they have this “day in the life,” on social media where they want the mom to go about her day showing what she’s doing. It’s been so interesting to witness and think about. There is so much behind the scenes, not just on social media, but in real life, that only your family gets to see, only the mom gets to witness. Human nature years to see everyone’s “behind the scenes,” but the longer I’m alive, I realize how marvelous are those hidden moments. It’s almost an experiment with the social media sharing, but it’s also a wake up call as to what is kept memorable to just those who are called to be close in our lives.

Anyway, I was happy I used the crockpot for dinner (made my go-to chicken pesto pasta!) and we had a few minutes of enjoyment when we lit the Advent candle and ate together. I know to lower expectations there…you might only get 10 minutes…but we keep trying. I want to work on table manners a lot more, that’s a goal for the New Year.

After dinner, Nicholas and I went to confession. How amazing to have a date with my 8 year old. I am so proud of him and just can’t believe how fast time is going. I pray I’m raising them well. When I saw him genuflect, my heart just wanted to explode. I remember how he is Nick’s son. He has such a beautiful heart and is always helping me and looking out for his brothers. The firstborn journey is so special…the things you do first as a mother. That was my moment of peace today too.

And now my husband. Oh wow, how he is so amazing. He is so busy with his job right now, and how can that not be a blessing? Like he said to me, I am free to run my home as a homemaker. To keep trying things that work. To keep taking ownership of it, and let him provide and work for us. These roles are slowly working for us, and in my day in the life I need constant reminders…reminders of where we’re going and why we do what we do…it’s those moments, like the 10 minute dance party we had at night, the excitement the boys had when they got in their Christmas PJs, that I’m thankful my world and talents are dedicated to them. I want to be in the “pro-life movement,” I want to “be known…” why??? For what??? For my own glory or for GOD’s??? It must be for God. Everything must be for Him.

Dear reader, just know your day in the life matters. It’s in the smallest things you’ll find the greatest joys. Keep going, keep trusting. Write, read, pray, work, rest - continue. Your family needs you, your babies need you, your life is a gift.

Keep choosing joy!!!!

Love, Alex

Alex DeRoseComment