Educational Resources I'm Loving

Spring 2022

One of my favorite things about homeschooling and being a mom in general is using resources that other moms have created! There truly is something out there for EVERYONE and most likely the resource you’re wishing to use exists in some form!

Here are 6 of my recent favorite resources I’ve been using this year:

  1. Catholic Family Crate

    • Really have been LOVING this. We subscribe to the monthly crates, I have an affiliate discount that helps! and the boys will usually open them right away and start laying out what we need to do! My oldest knows the feast days now and I’ve used so many of their liturgical displays, for example, the Lent stations of the cross we have out now!

  2. KiWi Crates (Nicholas & Dom)

    • LOVE these so much! My older 2 have monthly subscriptions, and yes, a lot of times I end up throwing away the boxes, they will put things together and then they will fall apart, I love the STEM they are getting through these. A lot of times with homeschool I feel like we’re not doing enough science (especially with how much my oldest loves it) and so these have been amazing. They also have geography ones and other options to choose from.

  3. Audible Subscription

    • one of my favorite resources! I have it connected to our Sonos in the kitchen and will put on stories for the boys all the time. Especially during meals it helps so much and I know they are getting great literature in! I’ve followed other moms booklists for ideas - they love Winnie the Pooh, Frog and Toad, Ronald Dahl, and many of the classics I’ve found on there :) Sometimes I try to put on Shakespeare or some historical speeches they won’t like ;) but I’m just trying to expose them ;)

  4. Audio books on CD!

    • One of the best things was getting the old CD players and letting the boys have them in their rooms to listen to audio books! I started this when my oldest and I would go to the library and get the books on tape and he would listen at like age 3! It helped him love reading! I need to start doing it more with my younger ones too, but I highly recommend this over screens (our kids don’t have iPads :)

  5. Blessed is She Study for Lent

    • Highly recommend using kids programs for the liturgical living! This was my first year using BIS for Kids (oldest is 3rd grade and my kindergarten 6 year old is using too) and so far they’ve been loving it!

  6. Read Aloud Revival!

    • Probably my favorite educational resource. We use her monthly picture booklists, LOVE them and I listen to her podcast for inspiration ALL the time!

  7. The Tuttle Twins

    • Nick bought us the Tuttle Twins book series this past year and we read it through with the boys and LOVED it! Wow, a very conservative approach to economics and history and we learned so much! I will definitely be using this resource more, I think they have another series for older kids too :)

  8. Into the Deep

    • We’ve been using this Catholic Catechism for a few weeks off and on this year, I really love it. It takes about 15-20 minutes and incorporates a lot of Charlotte Mason, looking at pictures and music. I think recommended for ages 3-6.

What other resources do you love!?

In Joy,


Alex DeRose2 Comments