Addicted to God? Lent Lessons 2025
March 2025
AGAIN, it’s been ONE YEAR since publishing on my blog! God is always so active in this season of Lent, the season of winter, just before spring will bloom. Remember the wise words of Fulton Sheen, “There cannot be an Easter Sunday in your life without a Good Friday.” We all need the season of Lent in our lives, oh, how brilliant is our Church! Anyway, let’s get back to THIS current season, and the beauty God is bringing. I’m currently sitting on my sunny front porch, in the muddy month of March, waiting for my 3 boys to walk home from school. Praying in gratitude how blessed I am to first of all be here waiting for them, and secondly, to have started this new season of school. God called us out of homeschooling into Catholic school this year and I’m so grateful! I struggled with regret or thoughts of failure over it, and am just grateful to be happy now about our decision, and the small moments of peace God gives us. More on school comments later, (and coming soon on my podcast! Praise God!) but for now I wanted to share some thoughts on Lent. I’m giving up social media this Lent and so far it’s been an interesting experiment! We all have addictions in our life, we all have temptations of things we put before God. Unfortunately, I became addicted to the hits of dopamine on my phone! I listened to a podcast recently where the woman was explaining the brain wiring of addiction and I felt completely called out. Part of it was refreshing to see myself for what was actually happening in my brain, and part of it was humiliating - a grown woman falling to a modern phone addiction! But we are human. The root word of humility is actually “human” and knowing our limitations and that we are not God. I’m so grateful for the awareness of understanding the addiction and the chance to reclaim peace in my brain and soul. When I feel that urge to check my phone, I want to surrender it to God and become addicted to God instead. I want to face my humanity and surrender it over. I want to return recollected with a new peaceful awareness and intention of using the latest technology for the good. I want to be so addicted to God that I yearn for connection and prayer to Him and can’t go without it! Hang in there mama, spring is coming! I can’t wait to see you in the Easter season, all the while trusting in our Lenten sacrifices and learning to enjoy the process. Sending much love and joy and peace! Love, Alex