Pro-Life Story
A story you need to hear…
“Looks like the baby’s brain is deformed. You’ll definitely want to schedule the abortion.” Recommended the abortionist doctor to me. I was working as a pro-life activist, pregnant with my firstborn son, the now perfectly healthy seven-year-old pictured.
I was shocked, heartbroken, enraged by the many lies I witnessed in the abortion industry. The joyless women in the waiting rooms with heads down, anxiously tapping feet, avoiding all eye contact.
The manipulating words. The false feminism. The lies of the pro-choice movement.
“Here’s the brown paper bag, just go home, take the pill. It won’t be painful, it’s just like having your period.”
“There’s really no side effects to this IUD.”
“It’s just a clump of cells, it won’t feel any pain.”
“This is the best thing you can do for yourself, you’re not ready for a child!”
Friends, today, let’s keep praying for the protection of all life. Let’s not forget the important role we each play.
When mothering children well,
When upholding the sanctity of marriage,
When practicing fertility awareness,
When honoring miscarried babies,
When dressing modestly respecting your body,
When caring for special needs,
When praying rosaries to end abortion,
When taking your children to church,
When being a good neighbor,
We’re building the culture of life.
Imagine the woman who ignorantly listened to the abortionist’s lies? The bellies that never have the chance to grow? The millions of boys who’d be sitting next to their mothers in the grass?
As my brilliant friend Lila Rose says, “No matter who sits in the oval office, our battle remains the same. We will never stop fighting for the protection of the most vulnerable.”
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” As Christian women, we’re doing something. Our small joyful actions, our small stories we share. We’ll learn the lies, expose the lies, and share our stories in any way we can, “bearing witness to what the Spirit writes in our hearts and revealing to everyone that his or her story contains marvelous things.”