"I go to sleep happy"

Last winter I interviewed a mom on Instagram, Heather, from A Catholic’s Mom life! It was an amazing conversation and she truly inspired my motherhood. ONE thing she said, I will never forget. She said to make your life a prayer and at the end of day, “I go to sleep happy,” knowing I gave my family and God my best.

WOW. This really struck a cord with me! Can I say the same? Do I go to bed thankful and happy!? Honestly, I feel like most nights no! I become anxious over things or recite my laundry list of things I haven’t done. Personally, yes, I’m a morning person so generally “wake up happy ;)” but still this needs improvement!

I loved what Heather said, and it’s something we should all strive for! I think this is part of why we read our kids books before bed, and say prayers over them! To fill them with peace and gratitude while they sleep!

May we strive to do this as adults as well. Here’s an amazing saint quote for night time really helps as well:

“And when night comes and you look back over the day and see how fragmentary everything has been, and how much you planned that has gone undone. And all of the reasons you have to be embarrassed and ashamed: Just take everything exactly how it is. Put it in Gods hands & leave it with Him - really rest - and start the next day as a new life.” Saint Teresa Benedicta

Thank you Jesus for the communion of saints! and for other moms speaking TRUTH into our lives!

May we all “go to sleep happy and grateful,” and REST IN HIM.

In Joy,


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